Home>Key factors to prevent common faults of high-pressure blower are as follows:
Key factors to prevent common faults of high-pressure blower are as follows:
 Key factors to prevent common faults of high-pressure blower are as follows: 1. Pressure: If the pressure is too high, there will be no total flow in the wind shell for a long time, which will lead to too high temperature of the centrifugal blower, and then the bearing of the centrifugal blower will be brittle. For pressure, the pressure relief valve is often used, which is a pressure relief valve. When the applied pressure of the high-pressure blower exceeds the pressure set by the pressure relief valve, the pressure relief valve will automatically open to release unnecessary pressure, thus maintaining the high-pressure blower. 2. Smoke and dust: too much smoke and dust in the office environment of high-pressure blower will stick to the fan and bearing, which will cause the high-pressure blower to get stuck and cause the centrifugal blower not to turn. For smoke and dust, filtering devices are often used. According to different applications, it usually uses different filter elements with different filter precision. Different filter elements have different maintenance methods and service life, so please ask clearly when ordering. Secondly, the common fault of high-pressure blower is the adoption of bearing. 1. The bearing lubrication quality is poor. The purpose of moistening is to make part of the sound not directly contact to cause friction, but to produce friction between the solid and the solution. If the total amount of grease is not enough or the quality is poor, part of the sound will be immediately rubbed and burned, or the heat value cannot be taken away according to the lubricant, which will increase the bearing temperature of the high-pressure blower. 2. The installation quality of the tilting bearing is poor. If the torque between the inner sleeve and the shaft is insufficient, the gap between the outer sleeve and the bearing seat is too large or too small.